宫廷教堂 是奥地利因斯布鲁克的一座哥特式教堂,由斐迪南一世建于1553年至1563年,纪念他的祖父马克西米利安一世 ,,他的衣冠冢拥有非凡的德国文艺复兴…
圣母无玷始胎圣殿 ,又称维尔顿圣殿 ,是一座罗马天主教的本堂区圣堂和朝圣教堂,位于因斯布鲁克维尔顿区。这是该地区最古老的教堂,也是因斯布鲁克城市的母堂区。1957年,教宗碧岳十二世将其升格为宗座圣殿。
This Baroque church is claimed to have a miraculous crucifix. Come here and enjoy its peaceful atmosphere.
The Zirl Parish Church, also known as the Holy Cross Parish Church, is the largest place of worship in Zirl, a community in Tyrol, Austria.
Lienz Friary is a Franciscan friary in the centre of the town of Lienz in East Tyrol, Austria, formerly a Carmelite friary.
This Catholic parish church has modest but interesting interior. You can see some remarkable tombs at the cemetery surrounding the church.