圣三一堂 是一个加拿大圣公会教堂,位于加拿大多伦多市中心的三一广场10号。北、南、东三面被多伦多伊顿中心包围,西北是万豪酒店和泰德罗杰斯管理学院,东南部是办公楼贝尔三一广场。伊顿中心的原始建设计划要求拆除教堂,但被教区居民成功抵制,迫使商场改变了设计。
圣保禄圣殿 是加拿大安大略省多伦多最古老的罗马天主教堂区,位于市中心以东科克镇社区,皇后街和国会街交叉点附近的鲍华街83号。
St. Andrew's Church is a historic Presbyterian church located at the corner of King Street West and Simcoe Street in the city's downtown…
St. Mary's Church is a Roman Catholic church located at 130 Bathurst Street at Portugal Square in the Niagara neighbourhood of Toronto,…
The First Christian Reformed Church of Toronto is a congregation of the Christian Reformed Church in North America in Toronto, Ontario,…
Central United Church is a historic congregation of the United Church of Canada located in the community of Weston, now a neighbourhood of…
St. Leo's Roman Catholic Church is a Catholic church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
St. Clement of Ohrid in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is the first Macedonian Orthodox Church in Canada and one of the oldest in the Macedonian…