巴瓦罗 是位于多米尼加拉阿尔塔格拉西亚省之蓬塔卡纳的城镇,原本被开发为休闲的度假区,后来城镇内之旅馆业开始蓬勃发展,巴瓦罗成为多米尼加发展观光业的中心之一。
What if we tell you that this beach looks like the screensaver? Fallen coconuts and beauty in the wild way.
Do you seek a family or restful vacation? Juan Dolio can offer you that, plus it has perfect location for excursions to busier places.
Lovely beach lined with palm trees, suitable for snorkeling. Shops and dining places close to it.
10 km of beaches just for you. With the sand that feels like satin and sea that is brimming with fish.
Beach best known for its sports opportunities - kiters and surfers love it here! One of the cleanest ones on the island.