受西班牙查尔斯三世委托建造的帕拉西奥德尔神庙(Palacio del Temple),设有一座修道院和一座曾经属于圣殿骑士的教堂。如今,这座新古典主义建筑被瓦伦西亚大学使用。
弗罗茨瓦夫圣若翰洗者主教座堂 是天主教弗罗茨瓦夫总教区的主教座堂,位于波兰城市弗罗茨瓦夫的座堂岛 ,是一座哥特式建筑,部分为新哥特式。现存建筑是同一地点的第四座教堂。
圣安德烈教堂 是乌克兰首都基辅的一座巴洛克风格教堂,建于1747–1754年,设计者是意大利建筑师Bartolomeo Rastrelli。
Akureyrarkirkja or The Church of Akureyri is a prominent Lutheran church at Akureyri in northern Iceland.
莫斯塔圆顶教堂 是位于马耳他城市莫斯塔的一座罗马天主教的教堂。其外型参考了位于罗马的万神殿而建造,莫斯塔圆顶教堂拥有世界第四大、欧洲最大的无支撑穹顶。
Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List, this monastery is a must-see! Visit the church, ancient Roman house and the museum of art, too.
这座17世纪的威尼斯巴洛克式宝石是着名建筑师Baldassare Longhena的作品,其非凡的外观装饰着雕像,吸引着每一位路人。一般来说,教堂的主祭坛和其他室内装饰也值得关注。还有几个小教堂专门为强大的威尼斯家庭设计,装饰精美。
This very peaceful and tranquil monastery with beatiful radiant white walls is surely a place to visit while staying on the Mykonos island.
The Church of San Marcos is a parish church located in Madrid, Spain. It was designed by Ventura Rodríguez, and it one of a number of…
The church is currently undergoing a necessary renovation, but the impressive Rococo gate from 1761 is already reconstructed.
Govan Old Parish Church is a former parish church serving Govan in Glasgow from the 5th or 6th century AD until 2007.
海达尔木板教堂 是位于挪威西福尔-泰勒马克郡诺托登村庄海达尔的一座木板教堂。这座教堂是挪威现存的28座木板教堂中规模最大的一座。教堂被认为修建于13世纪初期。1950年代时,这座教堂得到翻新。
Saint Christopher Monastery, is a restored Armenian church of the 7th century, located in a cemetery 2.2 kilometres southeast of the…
Inchmahome Priory is situated on Inchmahome, the largest of three islands in the centre of the Lake of Menteith, close to Aberfoyle,…
Aire Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint John the Baptist in the town of Aire-sur-l'Adour in the Landes département of…