利沃夫歌剧芭蕾舞剧院 位于乌克兰西部城市利沃夫,兴建于1897年到1900年。利沃夫歌剧院最初称为大剧院 ,1939年苏联政府改为现名。
This theater is known to host amazing events almost every day of the week, ranging from classical dramas to flamenco performances.
The Bâtiment des Forces motrices, French for "Power plant building", is the power house of a former hydro power plant and waterworks in…
The Grand Théâtre de Provence is a venue located in the new Aix-en-Provence in district "Sextius Mirabeau".
皇家莎士比亚剧院 是英国的一座剧院,位于莎士比亚的出生地亚芬河畔史特拉福。剧院共有超过1,040个座位。皇家莎士比亚剧院开幕于1932年。2010年11月,在经过整修之后,皇家莎士比亚剧院重新开放。
日内瓦大剧院 是位于瑞士城市日内瓦的一座歌剧院。日内瓦大剧院开业于1876年,在1951年发生大火,1962年重新开业。
The Royal Theatre Toone, is a folkloric theatre of marionettes in central Brussels, Belgium, active since 1830, and the only traditional…
The Teatro delle Quattro Fontane, also known as the Teatro Barberini, was an opera theatre in Rome, Italy, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini…
玛丽亚·赞科维茨卡剧院又名斯卡贝克剧院 是乌克兰利沃夫市中心的一家剧院,位于莱西娅·乌克拉因卡街和斯沃博迪大街的交叉口。这座建筑建于19世纪中叶,直到第一次世界大战,它一直被用作剧院舞台和区域市政局会议厅。
The Grand Opera House is a theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, designed by the most prolific theatre architect of the period, Frank…
The Kyiv Academic Puppet Theatre is a theatre in Kyiv in Ukraine. It was founded on October 27, 1927.
The Aarhus Theatre in Aarhus, is the largest provincial theatre in Denmark.
Belfast Waterfront is a multi-purpose conference and entertainment centre, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, designed by local architects' firm…
Theatre presenting a selection of Greek traditional folklore dances and music. The theatre has a long history and has won many prizes.
The recently restored odeon, dating back more than 2000 years is the most beautiful sight of Patras.