斯帕-弗朗科尔尚赛道 是位于比利时列日省斯塔沃洛市郊弗朗科尔尚的赛车场。斯帕始建于1921年, 由朱尔·德蒂耶 和亨利·朗格卢瓦·范奥费姆 两位设计师共同设计。他是目前用以举办一级方程式赛车比利时大奖赛的场地,首次举办大奖赛的年份是1925,并自1983年起固定举办大奖赛 。
三山谷 ,法国东南部萨瓦省塔朗泰斯谷的滑雪度假区,是瓦努瓦斯国家公园的一部分,位处穆捷的南方。顾名思义,三山谷最先由3个山谷所组成,包括圣邦 、阿吕 和贝尔维尔 ,及后加入了第4个山谷莫里耶讷 。可供滑雪的斜坡达600 km ,当中经人工修饰的雪道共335条,总长493 km…
Stadion Rote Erde is a 25,000 capacity football and athletics stadium in Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia.
The Nardò Ring, originally known as Pista di prova di Nardò della Fiat when it was built in 1975, is a high speed test track located at…
The Hurlingham Club is an exclusive private social and athletic club located in the Fulham area of London, England.
Gustavsvik is a major recreational facility in the town of Örebro which was built in 1963 and it includes the largest water park in…