切赫桥 ,旧称斯瓦托普卢克·切赫桥 、孟德尔桥 ,是位于捷克首都布拉格伏尔塔瓦河的一座桥梁。切赫桥于1905年开始建设,1908年竣工。切赫桥全长169米。
Admire this incredibly interesting estate which was constructed by Gustave Strauven in flamboyant Baroque style. It is only four meters wide!
A stunning display of Art Nouveau architecture as well as many brand boutiques and shops await you at this street.
Kramar的别墅因其自20世纪90年代末以来被用作捷克总理的官邸而闻名。该别墅以第一位捷克斯洛伐克总理KarelKramář命名,以新巴洛克风格建造。它的建筑师弗里德里希·奥曼(Friedrich Ohmann)也增加了一些可以在立面上发现的新艺术风格的特征。
The Grand Opera House is a theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, designed by the most prolific theatre architect of the period, Frank…