这座纪念碑俯瞰着Buen Retiro公园美丽的湖泊,是对1874年至1885年在西班牙统治的阿方索十二世国王的致敬。纪念碑由大理石和青铜制成,建筑于1922年完工。
阿尔腾普斯宫 是罗马的一座建筑,位于庞特的圣亚坡理纳广场 44号,靠近纳沃纳广场。现在是罗马国家博物馆的四处建筑之一。
维多利亚广场 是英格兰伯明翰的中心广场,与张伯伦广场毗邻。它位于Bull Ring和Brindleyplace之间的主要步行路线上,Colmore Row、新街和天堂街三条主要道路交汇于此。广场上坐落着伯明翰市政厅和市议会 。伯明翰座堂距离广场很近。
这个露天画廊位于桥下,是17位西班牙艺术家创作的抽象雕塑的所在地,例如琼·米罗(JoanMiró),阿尔贝托·桑切斯(AlbertoSánchez)和古斯塔沃·托纳(Gustavo Torner)。
Bronze sculpture celebrating the relationship between Churchill and Roosevelt.
Kindred Spirits is a large stainless steel outdoor sculpture in Bailick Park in Midleton, County Cork, Ireland.Kindred Spirits commemorates…
Muzeon Park of Arts is a park outside the Krymsky Val building in Moscow shared by the modern-art division of the Tretyakov Gallery and…
Centenary Square is a public square on the north side of Broad Street in Birmingham, England, named in 1989 to commemorate the centenary of…
If you have grown up in Eastern Europe, you will probably remember this fairytale. Cute but nostalgic.
R-12是由苏联在冷战期间研制和部署战区弹道导弹。它的GRAU代号为8K63,北约代号SS-4 Sandal。R-12导弹提供了对中范围目标的进攻能力,具有一个百万吨级的核弹头,并构成了大部分苏联对西欧的导弹威胁。在古巴的R…
The R-5 Pobeda was a theatre ballistic missile developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
The Blue Stone is a monument in the city of Bergen, Norway. The stone is nine meters long, and made of Brazilian sodalite.
"Another place" or "the other place" is a euphemism used in many bicameral parliaments using the Westminster system and several rival…