莱茵河畔散步道 是德国杜塞尔多夫一条滨临莱茵河的街道,跨老城、卡尔士达特和港口等区。她是游客和杜塞尔多夫市民最喜爱的目的地。
The Avenue Louise or Louizalaan is a major thoroughfare in Brussels, Belgium.
Not only is this square encompassed with fine buildings, but it is also lined with great seafood restaurants. Markets from Wed till Sat.
Plein or het Plein is a town square in the old city centre of The Hague in the Netherlands.
Corral de laMorería餐厅是一间不拘一格的餐厅,定期举办弗拉门戈舞表演。他们供应由新鲜和当地食材制成的带有现代风味的传统西班牙美食。
A unique combination of a tavern and a museum, providing you with knowledge, experience and a nice mug of beer.
奥莫多斯 ,是塞浦路斯利马索尔区的一个村庄,位于特罗多斯山脉上,距离尼科西亚80公里。该村庄出产葡萄酒,每年八月份举办葡萄酒节。村庄内有鹅卵石小径和一座建于17世纪的修道院,以及一些餐馆、传统的希腊式小餐馆、酒吧和出售本地葡萄酒的专卖店。
This narrow street is the main area for tapas in the city. The tapas here are the traditional, and also said to be the best ones in Zaragoza!
Paceville is a district in St Julian's which is the main nightlife hub in Malta, being heavily populated with nightclubs, bars, stripclubs,…
North Laine is a shopping and residential district of Brighton, on the English south coast.
埃尔阿雷纳尔 是西班牙安达卢西亚自治区塞维利亚老城区 的一个社区,位于瓜达尔基维尔河东岸。昔日的犹太区圣十字区 以西,博物馆区 和 Alfalfa…
Büyük Han is the largest caravansarai on the island of Cyprus and is considered to be one of the finest buildings on the island.
老鹰与小孩 是一家位于英国牛津圣吉尔路的英式酒吧,1930年代的著名文学社团迹象文学社曾在此定期聚会,现今这里也是不少书迷的造访之处。牛津当地人常昵称该酒吧为小鸟和婴儿 。
阿尔库迪亚港(Port d'Alcudia)被认为是度假村中最吸引人的部分,一切都围绕着从港口一端到另一端的人行道旋转。这就是Passeig Maritim。在这里,您会发现很多商店,酒吧和餐厅,从价格合理到非常独特的不等。