竹林寺 是位在日本高知县高知市的真言宗智山派寺院。山号“五台山” 。本尊文殊菩萨、开山 为行基。四国八十八个所灵场之第三十一番札所。别称竹林密寺。
Iwamoto-ji is a Chisan Shingon temple in Shimanto, Kōchi Prefecture, Japan.
Tanema-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Kōchi, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 34th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
Kiyotaki-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Tosa, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 35th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
Dainichi-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Kōnan, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 28th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
Shinshō-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Muroto, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 25th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
Enkōji is a Chisan Shingon temple in Sukumo, Kōchi Prefecture, Japan. Temple 39 on the Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage, the main image is of…
Kongōfuku-ji is a Buzan Shingon temple in Tosashimizu, Kōchi Prefecture, Japan.
Shōryū-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Tosa, Kōchi, Japan.
Zenjibu-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Nankoku, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 32nd temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
Hotsumisaki-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Muroto, Kōchi, Japan.