布尔坦赫要塞 是荷兰格罗宁根省布尔坦赫 的一座要塞,距德国边境仅3公里。因高空俯视呈现完整的五角星型而著名。目前整个要塞与周边是一座露天博物馆。
The Wedderborg is a borg, a type of castle in Groningen, in the village of Wedde in the Netherlands.
Verhildersum is a borg directly to the east of the town of Leens in the Dutch province of Groningen. It is now a museum.
The Piloersemaborg is a 17th-century borg in the village of Den Ham in Groningen in the Netherlands. It currently houses a restaurant.
The Fraeylemaborg is a borg in the village of Slochteren in the Netherlands. At present the Fraeylemaborg is a historic house museum.
The Rensumaborg is a borg in the village of Uithuizermeeden in Groningen in the Netherlands.