海滨大道 是古巴首都哈瓦那的一条道路,全长8公里。海滨大道开始修建于1901年,当时古巴处于美国占领期。修建这条道路的目的是防御来自海上的侵略者。
Funky street murals combined with rumba sessions each Sunday afternoon to celebrate African influences on the island.
The Bacardi Building is an Art Deco Havana landmark designed by the architects Esteban Rodríguez-Castells and Rafael Fernández Ruenes and…
主教座堂广场是哈瓦那旧城的5个主要广场之一,得名于广场上的哈瓦那主教座堂。此处最初是一个沼泽,后来排干,作为海军船坞。1727年兴建主教座堂后,一些宏伟的豪宅在此修建。该广场也是殖民艺术博物馆 和许多餐馆的所在地。
The Tren Blindado is a national monument, memorial park, and museum of the Cuban Revolution, located in the city of Santa Clara, Cuba.
Cienfuegos Province Botanical Garden, officially, Jardín Botánico de Cienfuegos, also known as Jardín Botánico Soledad, is located 14…
Burial ground that was built to accomodate victims of the war of independence.