赫尔辛基中央车站 ,为芬兰首都赫尔辛基市的一个火车站,为大赫尔辛基地区的交通枢纽,也是赫尔辛基的标志性建筑。赫尔辛基中央车站日均利用旅客达20万人,为芬兰最繁忙的交通枢纽。
芬兰大厦 ,是一座音乐厅及会议中心。它位于芬兰赫尔辛基市中心的蝶略湾。这座建筑是由阿尔瓦尔·阿尔托在1962设计的。建筑完工于1972年。会议中心翼侧在1970年设计并在1973至1975年间营建。2011年春季在建筑里修建了新的展览和会议场地。
The Academic Bookstore is a Finnish chain of bookstores. It has both physical outlets as well as an online presence.
House of the most famous Finnish architect, actually a part of museum dedicated to him. Fascinating design, worth visiting!
One of the many architectural marvels built by Alvar Aalto. A magnificent sight and a must-see for architecture lovers.
A marvellous architectural gem from the one of the best known Finnish architects. The studio is now used as a museum dedicated to his works.
One of the creations of the famous Alvar Aalto. The red bricks give the building a distinctive personality.