塞利亚兰瀑布 位于冰岛西南部南部区境内,斯科加尔以西约30公里处的塞利亚兰河上,垂直高度达60米。在瀑布后面,悬崖底部有一条可供游人穿过的小径。南临冰岛一号环岛公路,交通便利,为一处著名的旅游景点。
戈扎瀑布 是冰岛的瀑布,位于冰岛东北区。瀑布位于斯乔尔万达河 上,宽约30米,落差约12米。传说当地居民于公元1000年信奉基督教后,把之前膜拜的神像通通丢入瀑布深渊,是当时一种对宗教信仰虔诚的表现,而瀑布也因此得名众神瀑布。
斯瓦蒂瀑布 位于冰岛东南部瓦特纳冰川国家公园斯卡夫塔费德区内,瀑布水流从柱状玄武岩上倾泻下来,落差约12米左右。深色的玄武岩与白色的水流形成较强烈的视觉对比。为一处著名的旅游景点。
Öxarárfoss is a waterfall in Þingvellir National Park, Iceland. It flows from the river Öxará over the Almannagjá.
代蒂瀑布 是冰岛东北部瓦特纳冰川国家公园内的瀑布,被认为是欧洲仅次于莱茵瀑布的最雄伟的瀑布。瀑布位于源于瓦特纳冰原的菲约德勒姆冰河上,该河流的流域覆盖冰岛东北部。丰富的沉淀物使河水发灰白色。
Gljúfrafoss or Gljúfrabúi is a small waterfall north of the larger falls of Seljalandsfoss in Iceland.
The Faxi waterfall is located on the Golden Circle, a popular tourist trail east of Reykjavik.
Hengifoss is the third highest waterfall in Iceland, 128 meters. It is located in Hengifossá in Fljótsdalshreppur, East Iceland.
Near the town of Egilsstaðir, this beautiful waterfall, with a cave hidden behind it, is a perfect hiking spot.
Ófærufoss is a waterfall situated in the Eldgjá chasm in the western part of Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland.
Hjálparfoss is one of several waterfalls in the south of Iceland situated in the lava fields north of the stratovolcano Hekla near the…
Þjófafoss is located on the river Þjórsá on the east side of the Merkurhraun lava fields in the south of Iceland, at the southwest tip of…
The Aldeyjarfoss waterfall is situated in the Highlands of Iceland at the northern part of the Sprengisandur Highland Road.