蒙特利尔老港 位于加拿大蒙特利尔老城,沿圣劳伦斯河延伸2 km 。它是由法国毛皮贸易商开辟于1611年。
A historic plaza that creates the heart of the Lower Town in Quebec. The square itself has amazing atmosphere and is worth-seeing.
蒙特利尔历史中心 是加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔的一个博物馆,主题是蒙特利尔的历史。它位于圣玛丽城区蒙特利尔旧城的德尤维尔广场335号。
This museum exhibits Montreal's historical and archaeological heritage. Its collections show First Nations relics.
Fort Langley National Historic Site, commonly shortened to Fort Langley, is a former fur trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company in the…