方济会花园(Franciscan Garden)是一座前修道院花园,位于布拉格老城中心。它的历史可以追溯到14世纪,现在是一个值得漫步的美丽公园。它设有几个雕塑,一个风景如画的凉亭和一个游乐场。它还可以欣赏到附近的雪圣母教堂的美景。
佩特任山 是捷克首都布拉格市中心的一座山丘,海拔327米,高于伏尔塔瓦河左岸130米。这座山几乎被完全辟为公园,供布拉格居民休闲。这座山出现在弗朗茨·卡夫卡的早期短篇小说 、米兰·昆德拉的和茨维塔耶娃的 中。
Lužánky is the largest city park in Brno and the oldest municipal park in the Czech Republic.
Walk through this city park and get a good view of Brno. A scenic way of getting to the cathedral.
The Arboretum Vrahovice is a small arboretum in Vrahovice, Czech Republic.
A renovated park with a nice café, playground and a gym station. Cool place to relax.
The park attracts families with children, runners and cyclists who pedal the riverside trail. What a beautiful picnic spot.