毛尔布龙修道院 原为熙笃会修道院,位于德国巴登-符腾堡邦毛尔布龙,靠近普福尔茨海姆。毛尔布龙的外围,雷山西北方,为黑林山与欧登森林的交界处。修道院是阿尔卑斯山北面所存留保存最好的中世纪修道院群,皆是从罗马式到后歌德式建筑的形式潮流与发展过程代表。
Lichtenthal Abbey is a Cistercian nunnery in Lichtenthal in the town of Baden-Baden, Germany.
Neuburg Abbey near Heidelberg in Baden-Württemberg is a Benedictine monastery dedicated to Saint Bartholomew, and part of the Beuronese…
Reichenbach Monastery or Priory was a house of the Benedictine Order, located at Klosterreichenbach, now part of Baiersbronn in Baden…
The Odenheim Abbey, also known as Wigoldsberg, Ritterstiftskirche Odenheim, Odenheim and Bruchsal Abbey, was an imperial priory of the Holy…
Hirsau Abbey, formerly known as Hirschau Abbey, was once one of the most important Benedictine abbeys of Germany.