燕子堡 是一座乌克兰城堡,位于克里米亚地区加斯普拉面向黑海的海岬上,建于1911年至1912年之间。最初是波罗的海德意志人商人Steingel男爵的别墅,建筑师是Leonid Sherwood,建筑风格是哥德复兴式。1914年Steingel把别墅卖给P.G.
The Yusupov Palace is a palace located in the town of Koreiz, near Yalta in Crimea.
Count Nikolay Semyonovich Mordvinov was a Russian political thinkers of Alexander I's reign.
The Arabat Fortress, built in the 17th century by the Ottoman army, stands at the southernmost part of the Arabat Spit.