里加城堡 是拉脱维亚首都里加的一座城堡,位于道加瓦河河畔,创建于1330年。从1497年到1515年彻底重建。瑞典人占领城堡后,在1641年扩建附属建筑。从17世纪到19世纪这座城堡经过了持续的重建。1930年代,建筑师Eižens…
Daugavpils Fortress, also known as Dinaburg Fortress, is an early 19th century fortress in Daugavpils, Latvia.
敦达加城堡 是拉脱维亚城镇敦达加的一座中世纪城堡。这座城堡首次被文献中被提及是在1318年。城堡三面环水。
包斯卡城堡 是位于拉脱维亚城镇包斯卡的一个建筑群,包括一座较早修建的城堡遗迹,以及之后修建的宫殿建筑。包斯卡城堡最初是丘堡,由条顿骑士团的分支立窝尼亚骑士团修建于15世纪。宫殿修建于16世纪。修复工程开始于19世纪。
Krustpils Castle is a castle in Jēkabpils, Latvia. It is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Latvia.
The Krimulda Castle is located just outside Sigulda, Sigulda municipality, Latvia and is a tourist attraction.
文茨皮尔斯城堡 是位于拉脱维亚城市文茨皮尔斯的一座城堡建筑。这座建筑是立窝尼亚骑士团的城堡建筑中历史最古老的之一,也是保存状态最好的之一。城堡始建于13世纪。在其700年的历史中,城堡曾用做多种用于。1995年,文茨皮尔斯城堡恢复重建为19世纪的外观。城堡内有博物馆。
Krāslava New Palace or Plater's Palace is located in the historical region of Latgale, in eastern Latvia.
Vecsaliena Manor, also called Červonka Manor because of its red brick construction, is a manor house in Červonka, Vecsaliena Parish,…
Igate Manor is a manor in the historical region of Vidzeme, in northern Latvia. It was designed by architect Rudolf Heinrich Zirkwitz.
Šlokenbeka Castle is a fortified manor in the historical region of Semigallia, in Latvia.
Krāslava New Palace or Plater's Palace is located in the historical region of Latgale, in eastern Latvia.