这座哥特式大教堂建于1191年,是一座罗马天主教堂,实际上是爱尔兰最大的教堂。 1870年,它献给了爱尔兰教会。据说圣帕特里克曾经在这里为人们洗礼。
基督教堂不仅是都柏林大主教的所在地,也是宗教建筑的典范。你可能已经在电视节目The Tudors上看到过它了。
半分桥 是爱尔兰首都都柏林的一处著名地标,横跨分隔都柏林南北的利菲河。半分桥原名威灵顿桥,原以纪念威灵顿公爵于1815年于滑铁卢战役中击败拿破仑的军队。后来,这条桥被官方易命为利菲桥,不过一般民众都称这条桥为半分桥,因为过去通过这桥时都需要缴付半分作为过路钱。
纽格莱奇墓 ,位于爱尔兰东北部的米斯郡 ,是博因河河曲地区的一座通道式坟墓。是爱尔兰最为著名的史前坟墓之一。是世界文化遗产博因宫考古遗址的一部分。
The Irish National Heritage Park is an open-air museum near Wexford which tells the story of human settlement in Ireland from the…
Powerscourt Estate, located in Enniskerry, County Wicklow, Ireland, is a large country estate which is noted for its house and landscaped…
Powerscourt Waterfall is the second highest waterfall in Ireland at 121 metres high, it is located at the base of Glensoulan on the River…
The Wonderful Barn is a corkscrew-shaped building on the edge of Castletown House Estate, formerly of the Conolly family, in Celbridge,…
特里姆城堡 是爱尔兰特里姆博因河南岸的一座城堡,由米斯勋爵休·德·拉西和其子沃尔特建造于12世纪,现仅存遗址,为爱尔兰政府所有的国家纪念物。
博因宫 是多个考古地点的集合,包括多处重要的史前坟墓,位于爱尔兰共和国首都都柏林北博因河河畔。主要有三座坟墓:纽格莱奇墓 、诺斯墓 、道斯墓 。这是欧洲最重要的史前巨石文化遗址之一。这些宏伟的建筑有社会、经济、宗教和葬礼的用途。1993年被列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录。
The Dunbrody is a three-masted barque built in New Ross between 1997 and 2001 by the J F Kennedy Trust .
塔拉山 是位于爱尔兰米斯郡首府纳文以南12公里的小丘,高约154米,是爱尔兰传说中塔拉王的国家的所在地。塔拉山顶的中心附近有两座相连的建筑遗迹——科马克居所 和王座…
Butler House is an 18th-century Georgian Dower house located in Kilkenny, Ireland.
The Irish National Stud is a Thoroughbred horse breeding facility in Tully, Kildare, County Kildare, Ireland.
Victor's Way, located near Roundwood, County Wicklow, Ireland, is a privately owned meditation garden notable for its black granite…
Kells Priory is one of the largest medieval monuments in Ireland. The Augustine priory is situated alongside King's River beside the village…
Huntington Castle, also known as Clonegal Castle, is a castle in Clonegal, County Carlow, Ireland, built in 1625.