热那亚王宫 是意大利城市热那亚的一座17世纪的历史建筑,属于巴尔比家族,现在的楼宇作为美术馆。
The Christopher Columbus House in Genoa, Italy, is an 18th-century reconstruction of the house in which Christopher Columbus grew up.
灯笼塔 是意大利热那亚港口的主要灯塔。其重要性除了体现在夜航之外,还是热那亚的标志,是世界上最古老的同类建筑之一。它修建在圣贝尼尼奥山丘上,离开桑皮耶达雷纳街区有一小段距离。这座灯塔高76米,海拔117米。塔身有基督教符号鱼和十字架。
The Galata - Museo del mare is a maritime museum in the Italian city of Genoa.
The Villa Regina Margherita di Savoia is a museum site on the via Romana of Bordighera in Riviera in province of Imperia.
The Baptistery of Albenga is a paleochristian religious structure in Albenga, province of Savona, in the region of Liguria of northern…