Phytolacca dioica, commonly known as ombú, is a massive evergreen tree native to the Pampa of South America.
Metrosideros excelsa, commonly known as pōhutukawa, New Zealand Christmas tree, New Zealand Christmas bush, and iron tree, is a coastal…
Metrosideros excelsa, commonly known as pōhutukawa, New Zealand Christmas tree, New Zealand Christmas bush, and iron tree, is a coastal…
Ficus macrophylla, commonly known as the Moreton Bay fig or Australian banyan, is a large evergreen banyan tree of the family Moraceae…
Ficus macrophylla, commonly known as the Moreton Bay fig or Australian banyan, is a large evergreen banyan tree of the family Moraceae…
银杏 ,落叶乔木,寿命可达3000年以上。又名公孙树、鸭掌树、鸭脚树、鸭脚子等,其裸露的种子称为白果,叶称蒲扇。属裸子植物银杏门惟一现存物种,和它同门的所有其他物种都已灭绝,因此被称为植物界的“活化石”。已发现的化石可以追溯到2…
红杉 ,又称海岸红杉、北美红杉、美国红杉、长叶世界爷、加州红木、咖斗,是世界上最高的针叶树 以及是世界上长的最高的植物之一,能长到115米高,主要分布于美国加利福尼亚州。目前已知最老的红杉约有2200岁。