The Bernardine Garden, previously known as Sereikiškės Park, is a public park in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania.
卢基什克斯广场 是立陶宛首都维尔纽斯最大的广场 ,位于城市中心地带。格迪米纳斯大道就位于广场南侧。广场四周有很多公共建筑物,例如立陶宛财政部大楼、立陶宛外交部大楼、上诉法院、立陶宛音乐与戏剧学院、圣菲利普和圣詹姆斯教堂。
Ąžuolynas is a public park in Lithuania's second largest city, Kaunas, in the Žaliakalnis elderate.
The Bernardine Garden, previously known as Sereikiškės Park, is a public park in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania.