布兰城堡 位于罗马尼亚的布拉索夫县布兰乡,坐落于布拉索夫市西南约25公里处,别称“德古拉城堡”,是特兰西瓦尼亚的地标性建筑之一。古堡历史上曾长期发挥军事要塞作用,后改建为罗马尼亚王室驻地、行宫之一,现今则成为罗马尼亚著名的旅游景点。
佩莱什城堡 (罗马尼亚语:Castelul Peleș,发音: () ) 是罗马尼亚锡纳亚的一座城堡,位于佩莱什河谷…
勒什诺夫城堡 是罗马尼亚布拉索夫县勒什诺夫的一座城堡。勒什诺夫城堡由勒什诺夫的农民建造,是特兰西瓦尼亚防御外敌侵略的城堡之一。
The Historic Centre of Sighișoara is the old historic center of the town of Sighișoara, Romania, built in the 12th century by Saxon…
Poenari Castle, also known as Poenari Citadel, is a ruined castle in Romania which was a home of Vlad the Impaler.
佩利绍尔城堡 是罗马尼亚锡纳亚的一座城堡,位于佩莱什城堡 附近,1899年至1902年由罗马尼亚建筑师卡雷尔·利曼受卡罗尔一世之命为其子嗣建造。
The Fortress of Deva is a fortress located in the city of Deva, Hunedoara County, Romania, on top of a volcanic hill.
康塔库齐诺城堡 是位于罗马尼亚城市布希泰尼的一座建筑。这座城堡竣工于1911年,外观是新罗马式建筑。城堡庄园被公园环绕。现在这座城堡对公众开放。
The Royal Palace of Bucharest, known as Palace of the Republic between 1948 and 1990, is a monumental building situated in the capital of…
弗格拉什城堡 是位于罗马尼亚布拉索夫县弗格拉什的一座城堡。这座城堡自1310年开始修建。在1948年至1960年,城堡曾被用作监狱。现在城堡被用作博物馆。
匈雅提城堡 是位于罗马尼亚城市蒂米什瓦拉的一座城堡。匈雅提城堡修建于1443年至1447年期间,现在作为一座博物馆对公众开放。
雅西文化宫 是位于罗马尼亚城市雅西的一座建筑。在1955年之前,雅西文化宫曾被用来作为政府大楼和法院。现在雅西文化宫是一座文化设施,内设有博物馆和图书馆,并举办各种展览和其他活动。雅西文化宫是罗马尼亚的历史保护建筑。
Porolissum was an ancient Roman city in Dacia. Established as a military camp in 106 during Trajan's Dacian Wars, the city quickly grew…
Sucidava is a Dacian and Daco-Roman historical site, situated in Corabia, Romania, on the north bank of the Danube.
Báthory Castle or Báthory Citadel, also known as Șimleu Silvaniei Fort, is a historic fort in Romania, in the modern-day city of Șimleu…
Kornis Castle is a castle begun in the 16th century and located in Mănăstirea village, Cluj County, Romania.
The castra of Buciumi was a fort in the Roman province of Dacia in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.
Civitas Tropaensium or Tropaeum Traiani was a Roman city situated in the Roman province of Moesia near modern Adamclisi in Constanța County…
Sucidava is a Dacian and Daco-Roman historical site, situated in Corabia, Romania, on the north bank of the Danube.