斯塔弗罗波莱奥斯修道院 是位于罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特的一座东正教修道院。斯塔弗罗波莱奥斯修道院在20世纪时被解散,但建筑仍然得到保存。“斯塔弗罗波莱奥斯”的在罗马尼亚语中的意思是十字架之城。斯塔弗罗波莱奥斯修道院是罗马尼亚的拜占庭音乐中心之一。修道院始建于1724年。
The Antim Monastery is located in Bucharest, Romania on Mitropolit Antim Ivireanu Street, no. 29.
圣斯皮里东新教堂 是一座罗马尼亚正教会的教堂,位于罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特。这座教堂在1860年代修建时最初受到哥特式建筑的影响。但后来建筑外观进行了大幅修改。
克雷楚列斯库教堂 是罗马尼亚布加勒斯特市中心的一座东正教教堂,位于胜利大道上,和国立罗马尼亚艺术博物馆相邻。教堂修建于1720年至1722年期间。1940年地震时教堂受损,在1942年至1943年期间得到修复。之后在共产主义政权初期教堂曾面临柴吃危机,但在建筑家的努力下得到保存。
A fascinating holy place that leaves the visitors stand in awe with their mouths wide open is one of the major landmarks of the city.
The Piarist Church, located at 5 Str. Universității, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and dedicated to the Holy Trinity, was the first Roman Catholic…
The Church on the Hill is an architecturally significant church located in Sighişoara, Mureș County in Romania.This church is the most…
The Biertan fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Biertan, Sibiu County, in the Transylvania region of Romania.
圣三一主教座堂 ,位于罗马尼亚锡比乌Mitropoliei街35号,是罗马尼亚正教会特兰西瓦尼亚都主教和锡比乌总主教的驻地。这是一座拜占庭式的教堂,灵感来自于圣索菲亚大教堂,主尖顶受特兰西瓦尼亚教堂建筑和巴洛克建筑的影响。
The Transfiguration Cathedral, also known as the Minorites' Church, was donated in 1924 by the Holy See to the Romanian Greek-Catholic…
The Prejmer fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Prejmer, Brașov County, in the Transylvania region of Romania and the…
The Armenian monastery of Suceava, also known as "Zamca", is a monastery of the Armenian Apostolic Church, dating from the 15th century, in…
Saint Parascheva Church is a Romanian Orthodox church located at 6 Păcurari Street in Iași, Romania.
The Galata Monastery is a Romanian Orthodox monastery for nuns, founded at the end of the sixteenth century by Moldavian Voivode Petru…
Mănăstirea Trei Ierarhi is a seventeenth-century monastery located in Iași, Romania.
尼亚姆茨修道院 是一个罗马尼亚正教会的修道院,罗马尼亚最古老和最重要的修道院之一。该修道院位于罗马尼亚东北部尼亚姆茨县,特尔古尼亚姆茨以西10公里。它建于15世纪,是中世纪摩尔多瓦建筑。教堂建于斯特凡三世时期,完成于摩尔多瓦军队战胜波兰国王扬一世·阿尔布雷赫特的1497年。