赫尔辛基集市广场 是芬兰首都赫尔辛基多个广场中最著名及游客最多的广场。广场位于赫尔辛基历史市中心的南端,赫尔辛基南港海湾的边上。其南面濒临波罗的海,北面为北埃斯普拉纳迪街,西边为联盟街 ,东边为卡塔亚诺卡运河河口上的总统府码头 。从这个码头有全年开往芬兰城堡的轮渡。
Shop selling everything on the famous Finnish cartoon character - Moomin. Including the books in various languages.
The Academic Bookstore is a Finnish chain of bookstores. It has both physical outlets as well as an online presence.
The Hakaniemi market hall is a market building at the Hakaniemi market square in the district of Kallio in Helsinki, Finland.
斯托克曼旗舰店 是斯托克曼百货公司最古老、也是规模最大的门店,也是一座具有文化价值的商业建筑,位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基的市中心。无论按面积还是销售额,它都是北欧国家最大的百货公司。该店以销售国际知名的奢侈品牌著称。
Art Centre Salmela is an art centre in Mäntyharju, Finland. It produces every year a multicultural program of art exhibitions, concerts and…
Hansa is a shopping centre in the city centre of Turku, in Finland. It is located in the city's VII District, next to the main Market Square.
Alepa is a grocery shop chain in the Greater Helsinki region of Finland.