芬兰大厦 ,是一座音乐厅及会议中心。它位于芬兰赫尔辛基市中心的蝶略湾。这座建筑是由阿尔瓦尔·阿尔托在1962设计的。建筑完工于1972年。会议中心翼侧在1970年设计并在1973至1975年间营建。2011年春季在建筑里修建了新的展览和会议场地。
One of the creations of the famous Alvar Aalto. The red bricks give the building a distinctive personality.
One of the many architectural marvels built by Alvar Aalto. A magnificent sight and a must-see for architecture lovers.
A marvellous architectural gem from the one of the best known Finnish architects. The studio is now used as a museum dedicated to his works.
于韦斯屈莱大学 ,是位于芬兰于韦斯屈莱市的一所综合性大学,成立于1966年。其前身是1863年创办的芬兰第一所以芬兰语为教学语言的师范学院。于韦斯屈莱大学现有在校生16000人,是芬兰学生数第二多的大学。若算上成人教育部分,则学生总数可达4万人。
Museum is dedicated to life and work of Alvar Aalto, famous representative of modern architecture.
The Säynätsalo Town Hall is a multifunction building complex, consisting of two main buildings organised around a central courtyard: a U…
The summer home of the extraordinary architect Alvar Aalto. A charming and playful structure that never gets boring.