林肯表演艺术中心 ,简称林肯中心 ,是位于美国纽约市占地61,000 m²的综合艺术表演中心,总共有12个表演团体以此为驻扎地。
美国国家肖像画廊 位于美国华盛顿特区第8街和F街路口,成立于1962年,1968年向公众开放,属于史密森尼学会,美国名人肖像。
MoMA PS1 is a contemporary art institution located in Court Square in the Long Island City neighborhood in the borough of Queens, New York…
Telfair Museums, in the historic district of Savannah, Georgia, was the first public art museum in the Southern United States.
Visit the large San Diego community of 200 artists and their studios. See, touch and feel the arts or participate in the intriguing…
The Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, located in Albuquerque, is owned and operated by the 19 Indian Pueblos of New Mexico and dedicated to…
Bergamot Station Arts Center is a Santa Monica facility housing many different private art galleries and appears in most tourist guides as…
CBS电视城 是美国洛杉矶的一处电视摄影棚建筑群,位于比佛利大道7800号,设计者是建筑师威廉·佩特拉。CBS电视城是CBS在南加州的两处摄影棚之一,另一处是位于摄影棚城的CBS摄影棚中心。CBS电视城开业于1952年11月16日。