什尔夫教堂 是位于德国城市诗威林的一座路德宗的教堂。什尔夫教堂始建于1238年,重建于1713年。什尔夫教堂是巴洛克式建筑。
多伯兰大教堂 是位于德国梅克伦堡地区巴特多伯兰的一座教堂,邻近波罗的海和汉萨都市罗斯托克。多伯兰大教堂是一座由砖块建造的哥特式建筑,修建于1368年。在宗派上,多伯兰大教堂是一座信义宗的教堂。多伯兰大教堂是梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州最重要的中世纪建筑。
St. Nicholas Church is the oldest of the three major parish churches of the Hanseatic city of Stralsund in Germany.
圣彼得教堂 是位于德国城市罗斯托克的一座教堂,也是罗斯托克历史最长的三座教堂之一,另外两座是圣马利亚教堂和圣尼古拉教堂。第四座教堂圣雅各教堂在二战中严重被毁,之后拆除。圣彼得教堂修建于14世纪中叶,外观为哥特式风格。
圣马利亚教堂 是位于德国城市罗斯托克的一座教堂。也是罗斯托克的三大教堂之一,另外两座是圣彼得教堂和圣尼古拉教堂。第四座教堂圣雅各教堂在二战中遭到严重毁坏,后被拆除。教堂建筑外观为哥特式风格。
St. Nikolai, Greifswald, dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of seafarers and merchants, is a Brick Gothic church located in the…
居斯特罗大教堂 是位于德国梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州城市居斯特罗的一座信义宗教堂。居斯特罗大教堂竣工于1335年,是居斯特罗现存建筑中历史最久的。
The Abbey of the Holy Cross in Rostock, Germany, was founded in the 13th century by Cistercian nuns.
The Church St. Nicholas of Wismar was built from 1381 until 1487 as a church for sailors and fishermen. St.
Warnemünde Church is a neogothic building in Warnemünde, which is a part of the hanseatic city of Rostock.
Dobbertin Abbey is a former Benedictine monastery of monks, afterwards housed a community of nuns, and later still a women's collegiate…
The Reinberg village church is a church dating to the 13th century in the West Pomeranian village of Reinberg in the municipality of…
The village church of Landow is the Evangelical parish church of the parish of Rambin in the south of the German island of Rügen.
The Reinberg village church is a church dating to the 13th century in the West Pomeranian village of Reinberg in the municipality of…