蒙扎圣若翰洗者次级宗座圣殿 是一座罗马天主教的宗座圣殿,位于意大利北部伦巴第大区城市蒙扎。该堂俗称为“蒙扎大教堂” ,然实际上并非主教座堂,蒙扎一直属米兰主教管区管辖,教堂在603年就已经完成。
蒙扎的皇家别墅 是意大利北部蒙扎的一座历史建筑,位于兰布罗河岸,四周环绕着巨大的蒙扎公园 。它最初兴建于1777年和1780年之间,属于奥地利帝国的斐迪南大公。
The Arengario is a historic building in Monza, northern Italy. It was built in the 13th century and is named after its original function as…
Santa Maria in Strada is a church in Monza, Lombardy, northern Italy.
The Expiatory Chapel in Monza is a monument-chapel built to atone and commemorate the site at which the king Umberto I of Italy was…
The Villa Traversi Tittoni, or Villa Cusani Traversi Tittoni is a rural palace in Desio, northern Italy.