底特律共济会会所 是世界上最大的共济会会所 位于底特律天普街500号。建筑师乔治·梅森设计的剧场,有一个55-英尺 ×100-英尺 的舞台,用于演出音乐会和百老汇戏剧。底特律共济会会所为新哥特式风格,使用大量石灰石。
The Detroit Opera House is an ornate opera house located at 1526 Broadway Street in Downtown Detroit, Michigan, within the Grand Circus…
The Fox Theatre is a performing arts center located at 2211 Woodward Avenue in Downtown Detroit, Michigan, near the Grand Circus Park…
Pine Knob Music Theatre is an outdoor amphitheater located in Independence Township, Michigan, approximately 40 miles northwest of Detroit.
The Temple Theatre is a historic theater, located on the banks of the Saginaw River in Saginaw, Michigan.