世界上最大的百货公司之一于1901年建于先驱广场(Herald Square)。这是一个络绎不绝的地方,每天都有很多游客,随便以光就是一天。这里有化妆品、炊具、家具、糖果或小玩意。也有很多商店引领着时尚潮流,Ralph Lauren、Calvin Klein。
坚尼街 是美国纽约州纽约市曼哈顿一条东西走向的主要街道,横穿曼哈顿下城,向西经荷兰隧道直达新泽西州泽西市,向东经曼哈顿大桥通往纽约市布鲁克林区。它是曼哈顿华埠的主要脊柱,并将其与小意大利分隔开来,同时构成苏豪区的南部边界以及翠贝卡的北部边界。
伍德伯里名牌折扣购物中心 是一座位于纽约州中央山谷的奥特莱斯购物中心。购物中心为西蒙地产集团旗下的名牌折扣购物中心品牌所拥有,并以购物中心所在县市为名。购物中心于1985年开业,并分别于1993年和1998年扩建。如今的伍德伯里奥特莱斯总占地面积超过72…
Palisades Center is a shopping mall in West Nyack, New York, which as of December 2022, is the twelfth-largest in the United States by…
The Main Place Tower is located at 350 Main Street, in Buffalo, New York.
斯泰兰蒂斯北美 ,汽车制造商,总部位于美国密歇根州奥本山,与福特汽车及通用汽车合称为美国汽车制造三大龙头 。其旗下有多个汽车品牌,包括克莱斯勒、道奇及吉普等。
The Walden Galleria is a shopping mall located in Cheektowaga, a suburb of Buffalo, New York located east of Interstate 90 and New York…
Elmwood Village是一个散步的好地方。不要错过这个舒适的街区,那里有令人惊叹的购物和餐饮场所。无论您是素食主义者,素食主义者还是杂食动物,您都会找到您心中所渴望的东西。附近也有很多酒吧和咖啡馆。
Colonie Center is a shopping mall located in Roessleville, New York, a suburb of Albany, at the intersection of Central Avenue, Wolf Road,…
Eastview Mall, located in Victor, New York, is a regional indoor shopping center owned and managed by Wilmorite Properties.
Harney & Sons is an American tea company founded in 1983 in Salisbury, Connecticut, and now located in Millerton, New York.
If you want to buy cheap clothes, shoes and accessories of famous fashion brands, this is the place to go!
Hanover Square in downtown Syracuse is actually a triangle at the intersection of Warren, Water, and East Genesee Streets.
Armory Square is a small neighborhood on the west side of Downtown Syracuse, New York.
Big Lots, Inc. is an American retail company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio with over 1,400 stores in 47 states.
The Ithaca Commons is a two-block pedestrian mall in the business improvement district known as Downtown Ithaca that serves as the city's…
Buy yourself and your relatives some original souvenirs made by native American people. Their craft is amazing.
The only kazoo factory in the US. Come here to explore their vast collection and learn about the history of kazoos.