圣纳扎留斯圣塞尔苏斯圣殿 是一座罗马天主教次级圣殿,位于法国南部城市卡尔卡松,被列为法国历史古迹。
圣斐德斯教堂 是位于法国村庄孔克的一个教堂。教堂是圣雅各之路的一部分,吸引了众多的朝圣者。教堂的修建是为了纪念圣斐德斯。
圣母教堂 是位于法国城市图卢兹的一座罗马天主教的教堂。教堂位于圣塞宁圣殿的附近。自1840年开始,圣母教堂被列入历史纪念建筑。
Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert Abbey or Gellone Abbey is a Benedictine abbey in Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Hérault in France.
Unfortunately, the whole convent except the chapel was destroyed during the French Revolution. Marvel at the painted, well preserved murals.
圣庇护十世圣殿,又名地下圣殿,是一座大型罗马天主教教堂、宗座圣殿,位于法国卢尔德。它是露德圣母朝圣地的一部分. 露德是天主教的主要朝圣地之一,天主教赞同圣母在此向圣女伯尔纳德显现的观点。
Béziers Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church located in Béziers, France.
圣母无玷始胎圣殿 ,俗称“上教堂”,是一座罗马天主教宗座圣殿,位于法国露德圣母朝圣地内。它建于1866年到1872年,1876年祝圣,是第二座完成的教堂。该教堂建于山洞上方的岩石顶部,毗邻玫瑰圣母圣殿。
Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges Cathedral is a former Roman Catholic cathedral in Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, Haute-Garonne, southwestern…
蒙彼利埃圣母圣殿 得名于12世纪蒙彼利埃的兑换商,位于法国奥克西塔尼大区埃罗省蒙彼利埃老村庄的心脏,817年由主教里库因祝圣。
Agde Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church located in Agde in the Hérault département of southern France.
This beautiful parish church, built to replace a destroyed one, is an interesting sight. Courageous tourists can explore its crypt.
Eauze Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church located in the town of Eauze, France. The former cathedral is a national monument.
The Order of Aubrac was a military order and hospital chartered in the twelfth century.
Saint-Michel de Grandmont Priory is a former monastery of the Order of Grandmont in the commune of Saint-Privat, in Hérault, France.
圣斐德斯教堂 是位于法国村庄孔克的一个教堂。教堂是圣雅各之路的一部分,吸引了众多的朝圣者。教堂的修建是为了纪念圣斐德斯。
St. Mary is a church in Corneilla-de-Conflent, southern France. Built in the 11th-12th centuries, in Romanesque style, it was originally…
The Collegiate Church of Notre-Dame is a Gothic church in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, Gard, Occitanie, France.