圣嘉勒圣殿 ,位于意大利阿西西,是13世纪教堂,奉献给亚西西的圣方济各的追随者、贫穷修女会的会祖亚西西的圣嘉勒,安葬其遗体。教堂在著名建筑师Filippo Campello指导下开始动工。1260年10月3日,圣嘉勒的遗体迁葬于此,安放在新教堂祭坛的下面。
圣达勉堂 是意大利阿西西城外的一个教堂,建于12世纪。这是贫穷修女会的第一个修道院,由圣嘉勒创建。
The Abbey of St. Peter is a Benedictine abbey in Assisi inhabited by a small community of monks belonging to the Cassinese Congregation.
The church of Santo Stefano is a medieval church of Assisi, in central Italy.
The Eremo delle Carceri is a hermitage complex located 791 metres above sea level in a steep forest gorge upon Monte Subasio, in Umbria, in…
The Church of the Madonna di Loreto is a renaissance-style, Roman Catholic church located in Spoleto, Province of Perugia, Umbria, Italy.
Sant'Ansano is a neoclassical-style, Roman Catholic church located in the town of Spoleto, in the province of Perugia, region of Umbria,…