彼得宫城 是俄罗斯圣彼得堡的彼得宫区下辖的一个城市,在德语中意为“彼得的宫殿”。彼得宫城位于圣彼得堡市中心以西约29km,北临芬兰湾。2002年人口64,791人。
彼得霍夫宫 是位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡彼得宫城的一组宫殿建筑,设计者是彼得大帝。作为夏宫使用。彼得霍夫宫和其花园有时被称为“俄罗斯的凡尔赛宫”。现在彼得霍夫宫被列为世界文化遗产。
This palace is rather modest in relation to other buildings of Peterhof ensemble. Its facades are decorated with concise details.
Gothic Chapel in Peterhof is an Orthodox church in the name of Saint Alexander Nevsky situated in the Alexandria Park of Petergof, Russia.
A small and charming Neo-Gothic palace with numerous ornaments. Nicolas I’s family favourite residence.
The Monplaisir Palace is part of the Peterhof Palace Complex, Russia.
The elegant two-storey hermitage was formerly meant for guest dining. It lies right next to Catherine Palace and is surrounded by greenery.
Take a detailed, informative tour and discover the history of Russian clocks. It's pretty unusual!
This building has become the most splendid official royal summer residence.