苏佩尔加圣殿 是意大利都灵附近的一座教堂,由维托里奥·阿梅迪奥二世兴建于1717到1731年,位于苏佩尔加山山顶,以完成公爵 在都灵战役期间许下的誓愿。教堂下方是萨伏依家族大多数成员的坟墓。教堂为晚期巴洛克…
圣母神慰朝圣所 是一座罗马天主教宗座圣殿和圣母朝圣地,位于意大利都灵的神慰街 与卡罗·伊尼亚齐奥·朱利奥街 交汇处。
上帝之母教堂是都灵最重要的教堂之一。坐落于Ponte Vittorio Emanuele I大桥东侧,面朝维托里奥·维内托广场 是Borgo Po的主教堂。对于整个城市极其重要,其历史,其位置也使得此教堂成为波河边最动人的景致。教堂建筑设计与罗马万神庙类似。
都灵圣老楞佐教堂 是意大利北部城市都灵的一座天主教教堂,属于天主教都灵总教区,巴洛克建筑风格,有时称为“圣老楞佐皇家教堂”,被看作是萨伏依王朝的王室教堂。
The Church and Convent of Saint Dominic is a Roman Catholic church located in the city of Turin, Italy.
The Madonna del Sasso sanctuary is on a spur over the Lake Orta at 638 m height, in the Madonna del Sasso municipality.
圣安德烈教堂 是位于意大利北部皮埃蒙特大区韦尔切利的一座教堂,始建于1219年,完成于1227年。这座教堂是意大利早期哥特式建筑的代表作之一,但也融合了一些罗马式建筑的风格。
圣欧瑟伯主教座堂 是天主教韦尔切利总教区的主教座堂,位于意大利皮埃蒙特大区韦尔切利,供奉韦尔切利的首位主教圣欧瑟伯。
The Collegiate Church of Santa Maria della Scala in Chieri is a late-Gothic Roman Catholic collegiate church, and the principal church or…
The church of San Secondo di Magnano is built in a wide open space near the Serra d'Ivrea, not far from the Bose monastic community, in the…
The Mazzucco Sanctuary is a sanctuary devoted to Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary and Bernard of Menthon.
Novalesa Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in the Metropolitan City of Turin, Piedmont, Italy.
The Sanctuary of Santa Cristina is a stone chapel or small church perched precariously atop a rocky crag, some 1300 meters high,…
San Vito a Cavagliano is a church in Bellinzago Novarese, Italy. The church was built in the Romanesque style.
Oratory of Saint Lawrence all'alpe Seccio (Italian: Oratorio di San Lorenzo all'alpe Seccio is a Roman Catholic church in the village of…
The Oratorio della Santissima Trinità, or Oratory of the Holy Trinity, is a Romanesque, Roman Catholic church located about two kilometers…
The church Santo Stefano di Sessano is all that remains of the village of Sessano, located on the rocky foreland to the east of the village…
The Sacro Monte del Santuario di San Giovanni Battista d'Andorno is the Sacro Monte built around a sanctuary in the Cervo Valley above the…
San Michele is a Romanesque, Roman Catholic church located on Via Mezzomerico #10 in the town limits of Oleggio, province of Novara,…
The Church of Our Lady of the Graces is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church in Varallo Sesia, province of Vercelli, region of Piedmont,…