卫城博物馆 是一间位于希腊雅典雅典卫城山下的考古博物馆,专注于雅典卫城历史遗迹的发现以及相关考古研究。收藏了希腊从爱琴文明、罗马时期到被拜占庭帝国统治期间,在于雅典卫城的岩石和周围山坡上所发现的所有文物,建筑物建立在于古罗马和早期拜占庭时期的部分考古遗迹之上。
雅典国家考古博物馆 是一座位于希腊雅典的一间国家博物馆,它被认为是世界上最伟大的博物馆之一,收藏了世界上最丰富的古希腊文物,这些文物主要来自于希腊各地,自史前到古代晚期的各种考古地点。。
The Eugenides Foundation is Greek private educational foundation. It was established in 1956 in Athens, Greece implementing the will of the…
The Railway Museum of Athens, Greece, was founded by the Hellenic Railways Organisation in 1978.
The Archeological Museum of Marathon is a museum in Marathon, Attica, Greece.
The Goulandris Museum of Natural History is a museum in Kifisia, a northeastern suburb of Athens, Greece.
Drossinis Museum is in the center of Kifisia, a northern suburb of Athens, and it is housed in “Amaryllis” villa, where Georgios Drossinis …
Mineralogical Museum of Lavrion is a museum in Lavrion, Attica, Greece.37°42′58″N 24°03′04″E)
The Hellenic Air Force Museum was founded in 1986 and since 1992 has been located on Dekelia Air Base in Acharnes north of Athens.