连接Kaminarimon和Sensoji Temple中心的历史悠久的街道。在大街上,您会发现出售传统传统摊位的传统摊位,例如kibidango,agemanju或ningyoyaki。您也可以在这里购买一些很棒的纪念品,例如折扇或浴衣。
原宿 位于日本东京都涩谷区,是日本的年轻人之街,范围涵盖明治神宫、代代木公园、竹下通、表参道、国立代代木竞技场一带。
Stroll around the former main street in the city and enjoy its charming atmosphere. The old buildings now house shops, cafés, and many more.
Are you a shopaholic? Don't miss this opportunity to buy souvenirs for your family or close friends.
Canal City Hakata is a large shopping and entertainment complex in Fukuoka, Japan.
札幌工厂 是位于日本北海道札幌市中央区的大型购物中心,1993年落成。札幌工厂是三宝乐不动产开发 负责经营。
Discover one of the must-see places in the city and take a walk along the underground pathway and visit some of the nice shops and…
JR塔大楼 是位在日本北海道札幌市的摩天大楼,其中包括商场及办公室,JR塔大楼位在JR札幌站南出口的上方。JR塔大楼高173 m,共有38层,2003年完工启用后成为北海道最高的建筑物。JR塔大楼不止大楼本身,还包括札幌STELLAR…
A huge department store where you can shop all day. You can also taste renowned matcha butter cakes on the food floor.
The Toho Bank, Ltd. is a Japanese regional bank headquartered in Fukushima, Fukushima Prefecture, in the Tōhoku region of northern Honshū.