A luxurious restaurant with even more luxurious view over the city since it is located in one of the high-rise buildings.
奥尔巴赫酒窖 是德国莱比锡市中心梅德勒拱廊里一家历史悠久的酒馆,最早可以追溯到1438年,至今已经接待顾客超过一亿人次。马丁·路德也曾光顾这里。
This place is a favourite meeting point with great food, service, and atmosphere. It also has one of the biggest beergardens in Germany.
Watch the acrobats and comedians, which will entertain you the whole evening, and afterwards head to the Varieté restaurant for dinner.
Leipzig Bayerischer Bahnhof is Germany's oldest preserved railway station, located in Leipzig, Germany.