景福宫 是朝鲜王朝于1395年时所建的一座宫殿,位于今韩国首尔特别市的钟路区社稷路。该王宫是朝鲜五大宫殿中规模最大的一个,作为过去朝鲜王室的居所而使用,在现代的景福宫旁还设有国立古宫博物馆和国立民俗博物馆,以便游客参观。
The UNESCO-listed Confucian shrine is a huge complex used to commemorate the deceased royalty. Do not miss this elaborate gem.
Explore the five different Korean houses - hanoks - and learn about the culture of the country in an entertaining way.
Children's Grand Park or Seoul Children's Grand Park is a park complex in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
宣靖陵 是朝鲜王朝的帝王陵墓,现址位于韩国首尔特别市江南区三成2洞、COEX的西侧,邻近地铁宣陵站和宣靖陵站。宣靖陵是首尔的著名的观光景点,由“宣陵”、“靖陵”两座帝王陵寝及贞显王后墓所组成,中央区域则为三陵公园;2009年被列入世界文化遗产。
The World Cup Fountain was a fountain built to commemorate the 2002 FIFA World Cup co-hosted by South Korea and Japan.
东关王庙 ,又称东关帝庙、简称东庙,是韩国首都首尔特别市的一所关帝庙,位于钟路区东大门外,占地面积约30,793坪 。
As this place used to be the home of an air academy, there is aircraft scattered around, enhancing the usual park experience.