爱丁堡城堡 是苏格兰和爱丁堡的重要象征。它坐落在爱丁堡市内的城堡岩顶上,十分明显,从市中心各角落都可看到。海拔120米,从上面可以俯瞰爱丁堡全城的景色。
荷里路德宫 ,或译圣十字宫、霍利鲁德宫,前身为荷里路德修道院,位于英国苏格兰首府爱丁堡皇家一英里最东端,是英国君主主要居停之一,亦为其夏季在苏格兰的行宫。由詹姆斯四世于1498年所建,布局呈正方形,长宽皆近230英尺…
邓诺特城堡 是位于英国苏格兰东北海岸斯通黑文的一座中世纪城堡遗迹,面积超过1.4公顷。现存的城堡建筑大多修建于15世纪至16世纪。这座城堡凭借其战略位置而在苏格兰历史上有着重要地位。现在邓诺特城堡开放给公众参观,迹内有12座建筑被列入登录建筑。
你有可能在之前的照片或电影中看过这座城堡 - 它是整个苏格兰最上镜的地方之一。在这里拍摄的电影包括例如汉兰达(由克里斯托弗兰伯特主演)或邦德电影“世界不够”(皮尔斯布鲁斯南主演)。
Castle Stalker is a four-storey tower house or keep in the Scottish county of Argyll.
Inverness Castle sits on a cliff overlooking the River Ness in Inverness, Scotland.
Slains Castle, also known as New Slains Castle to distinguish it from the nearby Old Slains Castle, is a ruined castle in Aberdeenshire,…
邓罗宾城堡 是位于英国苏格兰高地地区的一座城堡,附近的主要城镇有布罗拉。邓罗宾城堡拥有多达189个房间,是高地北部地区规模最大的城堡。
圣安德鲁斯城堡 是位于联合王国苏格兰法夫圣安德鲁斯的一座城堡。城堡建于一座毗邻北海的岬角之上,俯瞰一片叫城堡滩 的小海滩。从罗杰斯主教…
Duntulm Castle stands ruined on the north coast of Trotternish, on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, near the hamlet of Duntulm.
坦塔伦城堡 是英国苏格兰的中世纪城堡遗迹,修建于14世纪中期 。坦塔伦城堡位于东洛锡安北伯立克,俯瞰福斯湾。坦塔伦城堡在1528年和1639年两次受到战争的严重破坏。现在坦塔伦城堡是苏格兰历史古迹并得到保护,也是一个观光景点。
Jedburgh Castle was a castle at Jedburgh in Scotland. It was fought over during the Wars of Scottish Independence, and was demolished by the…
Castle Sinclair Girnigoe is located about 3 miles north of Wick on the east coast of Caithness, Scotland.
Cawdor Castle is a castle in the parish of Cawdor in Nairnshire, Scotland.
鼓楼城堡 是位于英国苏格兰阿伯丁郡的一座城堡。鼓楼城堡还附设有一座建于18世纪后期的花园。现在鼓楼城堡由苏格兰国民信托所有,在夏季开放参观。
Traquair House, approximately 7 miles southeast of Peebles, is claimed to be the oldest continually inhabited house in Scotland.
Keiss Castle is a partially ruined castle in Scotland, which stands on sheer cliffs overlooking Sinclair's Bay less than one mile north of…
Yester Castle is a ruined castle, located 1+1⁄2 miles southeast of the village of Gifford in East Lothian, Scotland.
Kelburn Castle is a large house near Fairlie, North Ayrshire, Scotland. It is the seat of the Earl of Glasgow.