The Catacombs of San Gennaro are underground paleo-Christian burial and worship sites in Naples, Italy, carved out of tuff, a porous stone.
朱庇特别墅 朱庇特是一座古罗马宫殿,位于意大利南部卡普里岛的东北角,由皇帝提贝里乌斯兴建,完成于27年。提贝里乌斯从罗马迁居于此,直到他在37年死亡。
The Fontanelle cemetery in Naples is a charnel house, an ossuary, located in a cave in the tuff hillside in the Materdei section of the…
赫库兰尼姆 是一个古老的城镇,位于现代意大利坎帕尼亚的埃尔科拉诺市镇。公元79年维苏威火山爆发时,赫库兰尼姆被埋在火山灰和浮石之下。
Parco Vergiliano is a public park in Naples, southern Italy. It is located directly across from the Mergellina railway station and in back…
The town of Oplontis had the same destiny as Pompeii. Covered in ashes in 79 AD, explored in 19th-20th century, it's now inscribed in UNESCO.
The Macellum of Pozzuoli was the macellum or market building of the Roman colony of Puteoli, now the city of Pozzuoli in southern Italy.
斯塔比亚 是一个位于意大利南部的古罗马时期城市遗迹,位置相当于现在的斯塔比亚海堡。斯塔比亚的海拔高度约有50米,可俯瞰拿坡里湾的景色。斯塔比亚距离维苏威火山的距离只有16千米…
The Catacombs of Saint Gaudiosus are underground paleo-Christian burial sites, located in the northern area of the city of Naples.
维提之家 是位于罗马城镇庞贝城的一栋多姆斯,在公元79年维苏威火山爆发后被保存下来。这栋房子是以其两位事业成功的自由民屋主名称来命名的,分别为奥古斯都教友会成员“奥卢斯·维提乌斯·康维瓦” 以及“奥卢斯·维提乌斯·雷丝提图图斯”…
The Flavian Amphitheater, located in Pozzuoli, is the third-largest Roman amphitheater in Italy.
The Villa of the Papyri was an ancient Roman villa in Herculaneum, in what is now Ercolano, southern Italy.
马特罗马尼亚岩洞 是一个大型天然岩洞,位于意大利卡普里岛东岸,靠近天然拱门。长27米,宽18米,高18米。它与密特拉密教有关。
The House of the Silver Wedding is the name given to the archaeological remains of a Roman house in Pompeii, buried in the ash from the…
The Piscina Mirabilis is an Ancient Roman cistern on the Bacoli hill at the western end of the Gulf of Naples, southern Italy.
The House of Julia Felix, also referred to as the praedia of Julia Felix, is a large Roman property on the Via dell'Abbondanza in the city…