斯蒂夫斯花园 是位于挪威特隆赫姆的一处皇室官邸,拥有140个房间,面积约为4000平方米,这座建筑可能是北欧最大的木结构建筑。挪威皇室自1800年以来就是这座建筑的所有者。斯蒂夫斯花园修建于1774年至1778年期间。
A lovely open-air museum with numerous traditional Norwegian buildings that look as if taken straight from a fairy-tale.
The NTNU University Museum in Trondheim is one of seven Norwegian university museums with natural and cultural history collections and…
The Norwegian National Museum of Justice, Norwegian: 'Justismuseet', until 2016: Norsk Rettsmuseum, is a public museum of penal justice and…
Norsk Døvemuseum is a museum in Trondheim, Norway. It is a department of Trøndelag Folkemuseum.
"The Armoury" Army Museum in Trondheim is a military museum in the Archbishop's Palace in Trondheim, Norway.
Trondheim Science Centre is located in the Kongens gate area of Trondheim, Norway.
The Trondheim Art Museum is an art museum located in Trondheim in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway.