Camber Castle, also known formerly as Winchelsea Castle, is a 16th-century Device Fort, built near Rye by King Henry VIII to protect the…
西辛赫斯特城堡花园 , 位于英格兰东南部肯特郡西辛赫斯特, 由 作家薇塔·萨克维尔-韦斯特,…
Ightham Mote (), at Ightham, is a medieval moated manor house in Kent, England.
诺尔庄园 是英格兰的一处英国乡村别墅,位于肯特郡七橡树,建筑和公园面积达1,000-英亩 ,有365个房间、52处楼梯、12个入口和7个中庭。诺尔庄园始建于15世纪晚期,在过去的几百年间不断进行改建和扩建,但是其主体建筑多修建于16世纪,体现了伊丽莎白 到斯图亚特王朝…
Lewes Castle is a medieval castle in the town of Lewes in East Sussex, England.
The De La Warr Pavilion is a grade I listed building, located on the seafront at Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, on the south coast of England…
The Ouse Valley Viaduct carries the London-Brighton Railway Line over the River Ouse in Sussex.
Lamb House is a Grade II* listed 18th-century house situated in Rye, East Sussex, England, and in the ownership of the National Trust.
蒙克之屋 是一座16世纪的风雨板小屋,位于英格兰东萨塞克斯郡雷威斯以南三英里 罗德梅尔…
Nymans is an English garden to the east of the village of Handcross, and in the civil parish of Slaugham in West Sussex, England.