埃斯特哈希宫 是位于匈牙利城市费尔特德的一座宫殿,由埃施特哈齐家族持有,有“匈牙利的凡尔赛宫”之称。埃斯特哈希宫是一座洛可可式建筑。
Tata Castle, built at the mid 14th-century on the northern tip of Lake Öreg, is one of the jewels of Tata, Hungary.
潘诺恩哈尔姆千年修道院是匈牙利历史最悠久的历史建筑之一,也是潘诺恩哈尔姆市最有名的地标之一。修道院位于一座邻近市区的小山 之上,都尔的玛尔定被认为就出生在这座山上,因此这座小山过去也被称为圣玛尔定山…
The Zselicszentjakab Abbey was a Benedictine monastery established at Zselicszentjakab in Somogy County in the Kingdom of Hungary in 1061.
The shining white towers give the castle a fairy-tale look - but it was built in 1956. A unique sight.
The Castle of Siklós is a medieval castle in Siklós, Hungary.
The Fertőrákos Mithraeum is a temple to the Roman god Mithras at Fertőrákos in Hungary.