托普卡珀皇宫 是位处土耳其伊斯坦布尔的一座皇宫,自1465年至1853年一直都是奥斯曼帝国苏丹在城内的官邸及主要居所。托普卡珀皇宫是昔日举行国家仪式及皇室娱乐的场所,现今则是当地主要的观光胜地。托普卡珀皇宫翻译过来成为“大炮之门”,昔日碉堡内曾放置大炮,故以此命名。
This castle carved into rock is located at the highest point in Cappadocia. Walk through its rooms and admire the views.
This rock-cut castle was recently renovated and offers its visitors marvelous views of the town and fairy chimneys in the valley.
如梅利堡垒 位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔的萨勒耶尔区,博斯普鲁斯海峡最狭窄处的欧洲一侧的小山上。它由奥斯曼帝国苏丹穆罕默德二世兴建于1452年,征服君士坦丁堡之前。它的对面的亚洲一侧是另一个奥斯曼堡垒安纳托利亚堡垒,由苏丹巴耶济德一世建于1393年到1394年。
Kadifekale is a hilltop castle in İzmir, Turkey. The castle is located on the Mount Pagos which has an elevation of 186 metres.
Ankara Castle is a historic fortification in the city of Ankara, Turkey, constructed in or after the 7th century.
Kilitbahir Castle is a fortress on the west side of the Dardanelles, opposite the city of Çanakkale, where there is a corresponding…
Bozcaada Castle is a castle in the Turkish island of Bozcaada.
Zilkale is a medieval castle located in the Fırtına Valley within the Pontic Mountains, and is one of the most important historical…
The Castle of Kars is a former fortification located in Kars, Turkey. It is also known under the name Iç Kale.
Ishak Pasha Palace is a semi-ruined palace and administrative complex located in the Doğubeyazıt district of Ağrı province of eastern…
Yedikule Fortress is a fortified historic structure located in the Yedikule neighbourhood of Fatih, in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Fortress of Van is a massive stone fortification built by the ancient kingdom of Urartu during the 9th to 7th centuries BC, and is the…
Kayseri Castle, is a castle built in antiquity and first mentioned in a coin during the rule of Gordian III between 238 and 244 AD.
哈桑凯伊夫 是一座历史悠久的小镇,其位于土耳其东南部巴特曼省的底格里斯河沿岸。土耳其政府于1981年将哈桑凯伊夫公告为自然保护区。
Harput Castle, also known as Milk Castle, is a castle located in the historical Harput neighborhood within the borders of the current…
安纳托利亚堡垒 位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔,博斯普鲁斯海峡靠近安纳托利亚 一侧。它在1393年至1394年由奥斯曼帝国苏丹巴耶济德一世兴建,为于1395年攻打君士坦丁堡的军事行动做前期准备。
Anazarbus was an ancient Cilician city. Under the late Roman Empire, it was the capital of Cilicia Secunda.
This castle was probably built by Byzantines, but was invaded by the Genovese in the 16th century. A popular recreational area.