A monumental landmark of the city is a mausoleum of Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Turkish republic. One of the most important modern sights.
Karaalioğlu Park is a large park in Antalya, Turkey. It is just south of Kaleiçi in the city center, easily reached on foot or by tram.
多尔玛巴赫切宫 ,或译多尔马巴赫切宫、多尔玛巴赫切宫、多尔马巴切宫、朵玛巴切宫、朵马巴切宫等,是土耳其伊斯坦布尔的一座宫殿,在博斯普鲁斯海峡的欧洲海岸边。它是奥斯曼帝国从1856年至1889年,以及1909年至1922年的主要行政中心。
The Haji Bektash Veli complex is an Alevi Islamic Cultural Monument of the Republic of Turkey, located in Hacıbektaş, Nevşehir province.
棉堡 位于土耳其西南代尼兹利省境内,因该地像一座雪白的城堡而得名。棉堡高160米,长2700米。城市富有温泉以及石灰岩溶洞,泉水在富有碳酸盐矿物的梯田流动。棉堡的山顶坐落着希拉波利斯 古城,古城内可以看见古罗马时期的神庙和浴场。该地在一年大部分时间内气候温和。
Kültürpark is an urban park in İzmir, Turkey. It is located in the district of Konak, roughly bounded by Dr.