宁芬堡宫 ,或译仙灵堡宫,是德国慕尼黑的一座巴洛克式宫殿,于1675年落成,是巴伐利亚统治者的夏宫,目前宁芬堡宫仍然是属于巴伐利亚维特尔斯巴赫王朝的财产。
慕尼黑王宫 为昔日巴伐利亚君主的王宫,位于德国慕尼黑市中心。这座宫殿是德国最大的市内宫殿,目前向游客开放,展示其建筑、室内装饰和皇家收藏。
旧宫廷 位于慕尼黑市中心,是原路易四世的皇宫,包括五栋楼:城堡楼 、茨温格楼 、洛伦茨楼 菲斯特楼 和喷泉楼 。像旧城的大部分一样,它在二战中被摧毁,战后重建。
The Amalienburg is an elaborate hunting lodge on the grounds of the Nymphenburg Palace Park, Munich, in southern Germany.
海伦基姆湖宫 位于德国巴伐利亚州基姆湖中的绅士岛 上,建造于1878至1886年,是路德维希二世最大的宫殿。
施莱斯海姆宫 是位于德国巴伐利亚慕尼黑郊外的一处宫殿,共包括了三座宫殿建筑。除了宫殿之外,施莱斯海姆宫还包括了一座巴洛克式的花园。施莱斯海姆宫的花园也是德国罕见的保存完好的巴洛克式花园。施莱斯海姆宫在历史上是巴伐利亚的统治者维特尔斯巴赫王朝家族的夏宫。
Tegernsee Abbey is a former Benedictine monastery in the town and district of Tegernsee in Bavaria.
The Neuburg Castle is a palace in Neuburg an der Donau, Upper Bavaria.
Schloss Ringberg is located in the Bavarian Alps, 50 km south of Munich, on a foothill overlooking the Tegernsee.
Burghausen Castle in Burghausen, Upper Bavaria, is the longest castle complex in the world, confirmed by the Guinness World Record company.
The Schloss Kaltenberg is a castle in the village of Geltendorf in Upper Bavaria, Germany.
Tegernsee Abbey is a former Benedictine monastery in the town and district of Tegernsee in Bavaria.
The New Castle in Ingolstadt is one of the most important Gothic secular buildings of the 15th Century in Bavaria.
The Wasserschloss Taufkirchen is a moated castle in Taufkirchen, Bavaria.
Berg Palace is a manor house situated on the east bank of Lake Starnberg in the village of Berg in Upper Bavaria, Germany.