圣母教堂 位于德国慕尼黑市中心圣母广场,是天主教慕尼黑-弗赖辛总教区的主教座堂,也是慕尼黑的重要地标和受欢迎的游览胜地。
皇家宫廷啤酒屋 是德国慕尼黑的一个啤酒馆,建于1589年。历史上这个啤酒馆长期作为皇家宫廷酿酒厂的一部分,直到1828年才由巴伐利亚国王路德维希一世下令向公众开放。二战期间啤酒馆几乎全部被炸毁,1958年完成重建。
慕尼黑新市政厅 是德国慕尼黑玛利亚广场北部的一座市政厅建筑,设有市议会、市长办公室和一部分行政机构。1874年市政当局从旧市政厅迁入这座大楼。它建于1867-1908年,为新哥特式,占地面积9159 m²,有400个房间。
维斯教堂 ,位于德国巴伐利亚州施泰因加登 镇维斯区,于1745年至1754年由约翰·巴普蒂斯特·齐默尔曼 和多米尼库斯·齐默尔曼…
Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden is the oldest active salt mine in Germany, in which salt is mainly extracted in the wet, and also a showcase in…
The Predigtstuhl Cable Car has been in operation since 1928 and is the second oldest, still running, original large-cabin cable car in the…
Burghausen Castle in Burghausen, Upper Bavaria, is the longest castle complex in the world, confirmed by the Guinness World Record company.
The Schellenberg Ice Cave is a cave located in the Berchtesgaden Alps in Upper Bavaria, Germany, near the Austrian border.
The Wendelstein Rack Railway, sometimes just referred to as the Wendelstein Railway, is an electrically-driven metre gauge rack railway…
The Schellenberg Ice Cave is a cave located in the Berchtesgaden Alps in Upper Bavaria, Germany, near the Austrian border.
Historical reenactments of medieval tournaments take place here.