卑尔根大教堂 是位于挪威城市卑尔根的一座大教堂。卑尔根大教堂首次出现在历史记录中是在1181年。现在的卑尔根大教堂可以容纳约1000人。
Fantoft Stave Church is a reconstructed stave church in the Fana borough of the city of Bergen, Norway.
乌尔内斯木板教堂 ,也译为:奥尔内斯木构教堂,位于挪威韦斯特兰郡吕斯特市镇卢斯特拉弗约登附近的奥尔内斯农场。现由挪威古迹保护会管理。
博尔贡木板教堂 是一座位于挪威莱达尔博尔贡的木板教堂。 它被列为松恩风格的三重中殿木板教堂,也是挪威现存28座木教堂里面保存最完好的木板教堂。如今它不再用于教堂的职能,而成为一个博物馆,由挪威古迹保护协会负责维护。
St. John's Church is a church in Bergen municipality in Vestland county, Norway. It is located in the Sydnes area of the city of Bergen.
This splendid wooden church was an important pilgrimage site during the medieval times. An architectural gem.
Undredal Stave Church is a parish church in Aurland Municipality in Vestland county, Norway.
Austevoll Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Austevoll Municipality in Vestland county, Norway.